A few days ago, we were able able to give back to the community by donating jackets to the Downtown Eastside Women's Centre. Thank you to the staff there and our team for coordinating and making it happen!

A few days ago, we were able able to give back to the community by donating jackets to the Downtown Eastside Women's Centre. Thank you to the staff there and our team for coordinating and making it happen!
T'is the Giving Season and Blankshirts.ca is giving back to our local community this year by hosting a Food Drive! If you would like to participate, please feel free to drop off some non-perishable items at our office at 24 W 2nd, Ave, Vancouver, B.C. from Dec 1st to the 15th during our office hours Monday - Friday from 9 am - 4 pm. If you're unsure of what to bring, we've also included a useful guide that has a list of non-perishable foods that are great for the donation! Thank you for the continuous support and we hope everyone has a nice and warm holiday!